Welcome to DIM

Desktop Icon Manager (DIM) is an application which saves and restores the icon positions on the Desktop or selected Finder windows. There are applications and AppleScripts that do the same thing, so why is this one different?

First, DIM allows you to save multiple icon arrangements. While you may only use one icon arrangement, there are others who prefer to use more than one for a variety of reasons. DIM allows you to have an infinite number of saved arrangements.

Next, DIM doesn’t get confused when you store an icon arrangement at one screen resolution and then restore them at a different screen resolution. In other words, if an icon is at the bottom right corner of the display when the icon positions are stored then that icon will always be placed at the bottom right corner regardless of the screen resolution.

DIM is a fully sandboxed, hardened and notarized application. This means it lives up to the strongest security policies that Apple has implemented on macOS. Further, DIM will never expose any user data to anyone or anywhere. Your data is yours, not DIM's.

You can export and import DIM Settings from one User/Mac tto another. Not sure why people want this, but it has been requested more than a few times. Please note, some potentially sensitive data (e.g. names of icons) are stored in Settings.

Finally, when DIM was originally written in 1998, it was a rather simple AppleScript running on on System 7.5. With the advent of Mac OS X 10.0, Apple broke AppleScript until version Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger). At the same time they introduce a new technology called AppleScript Studio Application. This allowed DIM to be much more Mac-like. Unfortunately, AppleScript Studio Application is now depreciated. This caused various problems starting with early versions macOS 10.13 (High Sierra).

Turns out I had some time on my hands so I thought I would once again rewrite DIM. Since there is no way to control the Desktop or Finder window icon positions other than through AppleScript I decided to strip down the required AppleScript and make a bridge between those routines and Apple’s new programming language Swift using Apple's AppleScriptObjC framework. Inside of DIM are some AppleScript functions that are driven by Swift. Swift, meanwhile, takes care of all the user interactions. I hope this new version of DIM will have a lifetime even longer than the original versions. We’ll see.

First time use


G.J. Parker - http://www.parker9.com (Entonos)